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A Life in Black and White

2nd Feb – 15th Feb

As a part of the various exhibitions in the city celebrating the artist, a paperwork show of 100 artworks has been curated for the first time to be displayed. The exhibit is a display of his 6-decade-long relationship with the color black. All these paperworks were retrieved from his studio after his passing. These are from his personal collection. He never intended to monetize them.

IGNCA has a collection of the artist’s bronze sculptures in their collection on view for public viewing.

On the closing of the show, 15TH February, IGNCA in collaboration with the Amar Nath Sehgal Private Collection organized a symposium “The Assembly of a Creative Process” with keynote speakers Prayag Shukla and Chairperson Dr. Sachidanand Joshi.

A life in black and white